Community Guidelines

Last updated June 2024.


  • The data shared on COR2ED’s Social Media accounts are for information only and do not constitute medical advice
  • COR2ED aims to publish and share accurate, high-quality medical education and associated created and curated content that supports healthcare professionals in their clinical practice
  • Any content that users share on our posts should be within the terms of use of the Social Media platform and these COR2ED guidelines
  • COR2ED takes no responsibility for content posted by other platform users
  • These guidelines exist to ensure compliance with medical education industry regulations
  • The Checkpoint platform is accredited by the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME)
  • All content shall be independent of any influence from commercial bias
  • All medical Experts involved in developing the content for an educational activity are required to disclose any financial interest or other relationship as described in the EACCME Standards for Integrity and Independence in Accredited Continuing Education
  • We hold a seat on the Good CME Practice Group and contribute to and follow published guidelines for Social Media use for medical companies
  • Accounts that we follow or that follow COR2ED do not indicate an endorsement by COR2ED
  • Our Social Media accounts are intended for healthcare professionals only. When we create patient resources, they are intended to support rather than replace the advice of a healthcare professional
  • COR2ED medical education content may refer to disease areas that only have one therapy option available, or the use of off-license medications, as reflected in real-world clinical situations. This will always remain in line with the 4 pillars of good Continued Medical Education practice (gCMEp)
  • COR2ED takes no responsibility for the comments posted on COR2ED accounts by members of the public


  • Do not post about possible side effects, adverse events or complaints about a drug, medication, therapy or treatment on a COR2ED Social Media account. Instead, report these to the appropriate regulatory bodies for your country, which you can find online
  • Do not post about specific drugs, medications, treatments, therapies or medical devices
  • Anything you share on the COR2ED Social Media accounts is visible to the general public and is not private or confidential
  • Only post comments relevant to the original post content. Any off-topic comments may be removed, including those with political, accusatory, offensive, vulgar or inflammatory content
  • Do not post anything that may be in breach of the law
  • COR2ED reserves the right to delete any comments, whether or not they are in direct breach of these guidelines
  • COR2ED reserves the right to block users from its Social Media accounts if it sees fit


  • As COR2ED works within a regulated industry, we cannot engage in discussion about specific medicines, treatments or products
  • COR2ED respects the rights of Social Media users to voice their views and opinions. However, we reserve the right to not respond to or to remove comments that we consider to be inappropriate, abusive, promotional, or that share misinformation that may pose a risk to other Social Media users. We have zero tolerance to any comments that are violent/abusive/threatening and these will be removed


  • Social Media (including all COR2ED Social Media posts and channels) is not the correct place to report medication side effects or reactions
  • If you believe that you or someone else has experienced side effects or reactions from any medication or treatment, you should immediately contact your doctor, pharmacist or other healthcare professional
  • Alternatively, you can report medication side effects via your government’s official reporting systems