At COR2ED we develop Independent Medical Education programmes with leading experts, medical societies and patient advocacy groups.
Our programmes support our community of over half-a-million healthcare professionals with the ultimate goal of improving care for their patients.
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Integrating multimodal approaches with multidisciplinary care
Exploring the impact of liquid biopsy in advanced breast cancer
Exploring the impact of molecular subtypes
Developed with leading experts, medical societies & patient advocacy groups
Programmes supported by an Independent Medical Education grant are stamped with a CME/IME badge
Start and finish programmes at your own pace
Interactive programmes to engage and educate
No cost to access programmes or download resources
Programmes offering a range of international CME credits
We are a member of the Good CME Practice (gCMEp) group that aims to work with CME accreditors to provide continuing medical education that is balanced, appropriate, effective and transparent.