In December 2020, members of CORONARY CONNECT were pleased to participate in the virtual ACS Forum, an EBAC-accredited webinar. The presentations by ten international experts in the management of acute coronary syndrome are available here for on-demand viewing.

Watch presentations on these key topics in ACS:

  • The year when COVID-19 hit the heart

  • Drugs in ACS: Acute phase & post-discharge

  • An unusual ACS: Case study 1

  • Devices in the Cath lab

  • An alternative case of ACS: Case study 2

  • Debate: Early vs. late treatment for NSTEMI

  • Challenging clinical situations: Bleeding risk & Heart failure with ACS

The ACS Forum presentations are relevant for a broad healthcare professional audience including cardiologists and lipidologists, as well as nurses and physicians from the emergency room (ER), critical/intensive care unit (CCU/ICU), and primary care settings.


Maximize your ACS Forum educational journey: visit COR2ED Checkpoint to access the on-demand accredited e-learning associated with this programme.

The ACS Forum is a medical educational programme supported by an Independent Educational Grant from Amgen.

Gilles Montalescot is Professor of Cardiology at the Pitié Salpêtrière Hospital in Paris, France, where he heads the Department of Cardiology at the Institute of Cardiology. He is a practicing Interventional Cardiologist and has extensive experience in basic and clinical research. He has been the director of the INSERM research Unit UMRS_1166 on Thrombosis for 10 years. Dr Montalescot has been an investigator for many of the new drugs developed in the past twenty years as well as for many of the new interventional technologies. Dr Montalescot is a senior scientist and has been the lead investigator of many national or international randomized trials including ADMIRAL, ARMADA, ALBION, STEEPLE, ARCHIPELAGO, ABOARD, ACAPULCO, ATOLL, ARCTIC, ANTARCTIC, ACCOAST, ATLANTIC, AEGEAN, AMERICA, ALBATROS, and the ongoing ATLANTIS, ALPHEUS, ARAMIS, ADRIFT trials. Dr Montalescot is the Chairman of the ACTION study group, an Academic Research Organization based at Pitié Salpêtrière Hospital in Paris. He has served on several task force committees on antithrombotic drugs and acute coronary syndromes and is the current Chairman of the Stable Coronary Artery disease guidelines of the European Society of Cardiology. Dr Montalescot has received several awards in his country including the J. Valade Prize from the Fondation de France and the J.Escalle award from the National Academy of Medicine. He is a member of several editorial boards and has published over 600 peer reviewed original articles in journals such as the NEJM, JAMA, Lancet. Internationally, Dr Montalescot has also been an invited speaker at plenary sessions of major congresses such as the European Society of Cardiology, the American College of Cardiology ,and the American Heart Association.

Prof. Dr Kurt Huber, MD, FESC, FACC, FAHA, is director of the Department of Cardiology and Intensive Care Medicine at the Klinik Ottakring (formerly the Wilhelminen hospital)and Vice Dean of Research and Professor for Acute and Interventional Cardiology at the Sigmund Freud University Medical School, Vienna, Austria. He is an interventional cardiologist with over 35 years of experience. His main research interest covers basic research (mechanisms of thrombus formation and dissolution) as well as clinical research (acute coronary syndromes, organization of STEMI networks, antithrombotic therapy in CV diseases). He has performed over 100 international clinical trials as national coordinator and steering committee member ,has published over800peer reviewed papers, his Hirsh factor is 84 (Thomson Reuters), his lifeIF > 4000, he has organized > 200 national and international conferences, and he has been listed annually from2015-2019among the top0,1% of the most cited researchers globally in ClinicalMedicine.Dr Huber is president of the Austrian Heart Foundation (sinceNovember 2019) and president-elect of the Association of Acute Cardiovascular Care (ACVC) of the EuropeanSociety of Cardiology (ESC )(sinceMarch 2020)

Sergio Raposeiras Roubín (Santiago de Compostela, 26 November 1983) holds a degree in Medicine from the University of Santiago de Compostela (National Award 2007) and a PhD from the same university. He completed his clinical fellowship in cardiology at the Clinical Hospital in Santiago de Compostela, with a short training in the Royal Bromptom Hospital of London and in the Montefiori Hospital of New York (National Award to the Best Fellowship 2013). He has two master's degrees (in Clinical Cardiology from the Miguel Hernández University, and in Statistics in Health Sciences for the Universidad Complutense de Madrid), and two postgraduate degrees (in Research Methodology from the Univesidad Autonoma de Barcelona, and in Cardiovascular Imaging from the Spanish Society of Cardiology). From May 2013 to January 2016 he developed his clinical care activity as Clinical Cardiologist at the Clinical Hospital of Santiago de Compostela, and since February 2016 he is staff of the Cardiology Department of the Alvaro Cunqueiro Hospital from Vigo, where he is Coordinator of Clinical Research. Collaborator at the University of Santiago de Compostela, he is a Professor of Master programs (Heart Failure and Diabetes, coordinated by the Spanish Society of Cardiology) and a usual speaker of courses from Spanish Society of Cardiology. He is also Associate Editor of BMC Cardiovascular Disorders and REC:Cardioclinics, and reviewer of more than 10 scientific journals including the Journal of American Collegue of Cardiology and the European Heart Journal. He has been invited as a speaker in Congresses from Italian Society of Cardiology and American College of Cardiology. He is member of the scientific committee of the CardioGroup (international project to promote cardiovascular clinical research in young cardiologists) and he is also part of the International Leadership Group of American Collegue of Cardiology. During his clinical training he initiated a translational research project on the involvement of advanced glycation products in heart failure, obtaining the Pfyzer Prize for discovering the role of advanced glycation in atrial fibrillation. His current clinical research projects focus on risk stratification and post-infarction therapies. In 2012 he won an American Collegue of Cardiology Award for the best article published in JACC Cardiovascular Intervention for a researcher under 40 years old. He have defended more than 200 communications in national and international congresses, with more than 140 indexed publications (38% as first author) with an average impact factor higher than 4 (index H 21, with average citation in the last year of 1 cite per day), being the author of 1 book and chapters in 23 books. He is coordinator of 2 international projects in acute coronary syndrome: the BleeMACS registry (multicenter international project for the study of bleeding in acute coronary syndrome) and the RENAMI registry (European project for the study of new antiplatelet agents ). From the BleeMACS Project, he developed a score to predict the risk of post-infarction bleeding (BleeMACS score), from which he derived an online calculator and a mobile app that allow identifying patients who benefit from a more intensive antithrombotic therapy, being cited by European and international recommendations for the management of post-infarction patients with high risk of bleeding. Since 2017, he was involved in the direction of a clinical trial (REBOOT trial) about the utility of beta-blockers in after myocardial infarction

Dr Sergio Raposeiras Roubín has received financial support/sponsorship for research support, consultation, or speaker fees from the following companies:

AstraZeneca, Amgen, Bayer, Boehringer, Daichii and Bayer. 

Prof. Dr J. Wouter Jukema, MD, PhD, FESC, FACC, is Professor of Cardiology, a past established Clinical Investigator at the Netherlands Heart Foundation and Chairman of “Leiden Vascular Medicine” at Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC) in the Netherlands. He received his medical degree from the Free University School of Medicine in Amsterdam and completed his training at the LUMC. He is also founding director of the Durrer Center for Cardiogenetic Research in Amsterdam and co-chairman of the Netherlands Heart Institute. He started his research with the Angiographic Coronary Atherosclerosis Trial “REGRESS”, at the Interuniversity Cardiology Institute of The Netherlands in Utrecht. His current interests, which comprise the majority of topics for his more than 1000 peer reviewed publications (with many in top journals like New England Journal of Medicine, Lancet, Nature Genetics, Nature Reviews, Jama, Science, Circulation, JACC and EHJ) focus on the field of athero-thrombosis and include interventional cardiology as well as atherosclerosis research (vascular biology, lipid modification, diabetes, anti-thrombotics and anti-platelets and genetics) in humans as well as in transgenic animals. Prof. Jukema is principal investigator in several large interventional/athero-thrombosis studies, a member of various national and international athero-thrombosis boards and holder of multiple major (a.o. EU) grants.

Dr Rohla is currently completing his specialist training in cardiology at the 3rd Medical Department for Cardiology and Intensive Care Medicine, Klinik Ottakring (formerly Wilhelminenhospital) in Vienna, Austria. His research is focused around the medical and invasive treatment of acute coronary syndromes, antithrombotic therapies in patients with coronary artery disease or atrial fibrillation, and control of risk factors such as hypertension or hyperlipidaemia. Main clinical areas of interest are interventional cardiology and intensive care medicine.  

Dr Miklos Rohla has received financial support/sponsorship for research support, consultation, or speaker fees from the following companies:

Sanofi Aventis. 

-Professor of Cardiology. University of Barcelona. -Senior Teacher. Division of Cardiology. Bellvitge University Hospital -President of the Spanish Society of Cardiology -Director Heart Disease Institute, Bellvitge University Hospital (2010-2019) -Head of the Cardiovascular Group Research. IDIBELL (Bellvitge Research Institute). Barcelona (2010-2019). -President Scientific Committee AMI Code in Catalonia (2014-2018). -Director of the International Course “Prevention and Treatment of Complications in Percutaneous Interventional Cardiology". -Barcelona 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016 and 2018. Education and training in Cardiology: -Graduate in Medicine (University of Barcelona) -Residence in Cardiology (Bellvitge University Hospital) -PhD (University of Barcelona - 1994) -MCCEFG: Medical Council of Canada. Ottawa. Canada. (1987) -ECFMG: Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. USA (1987) -Clinical and Research Fellowship in Interventional Cardiology: Montreal Heart Institute. University of Montreal. Canada (1986-1988). Scientific and Research Activity: - Three hundred articles published in International and National Journals (New England Journal of Medicine, Lancet, Circulation, European Heart Journal, Journal American College of Cardiology, Revista Española de Cardiologia, etc - Twenty books or book chapters. - 8 directed Doctoral Theses, - 97 research projects, PI and National Coordinator in multiple clinical trials.

Jeanine Roeters van Lennep has been working as internist specialized in vascular medicine at the Erasmus Medical Center, Rotterdam, the Netherlands since 2010. She is associate professor and head of the vascular medicine clinic specialized in hereditary dyslipidemia. She combines this research interest with gender-specific medicine. As such, her scientific research is dedicated to cardiovascular prevention, specifically diagnosis and treatment of Familial Hypercholesterolemia and sex-specific cardiovascular risk factors such as pre-eclampsia for which she obtained grants of e.g. the Dutch Heart Foundation and the Dutch Research Council. She is very eager to share her enthusiasm on sex- and gender-specific medicine by organizing educational activities such as the 3-day Gender&Health Course and mentoring junior doctors and researchers. Jeanine has broad leadership experience as board member of various scientific societies. Currently she is chair of the Dutch Society of Vascular Medicine, member of the executive committee of the European Atherosclerosis Society and board member of the Dutch Society of Gender&Health. Moreover she has been chair of the first Dutch Guideline on Dyslipidemia.

Prof. Dr Uwe Zeymer is Head of Interventional Cardiology at the Heart Center Ludwigshafen, Department of Cardiology, Germany. He is Vice-Director of the Institut für Herzinfarktforschung Ludwigshafen. He has been board certified in internal medicine, cardiology, interventional cardiology and intensive care medicine. After his graduation from Medical School at the Universities of Munich and Marburg in 1985, Dr Zeymer gained experience as a resident, fellow and attendee in the Department of Cardiology, Municipal Hospital, Kassel, and as a clinical research fellow in the Department of Cardiology, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles, USA. He is full Professor of Medicine at the University of Göttingen. Dr Zeymer is or has chaired or been a member of the Steering Committee numerous trials in patients with acute coronary syndromes, antithrombotic therapies and anticoagulants. In addition, he has been chair or member of the Steering committee of several international registries in interventional cardiology, treatment of hypertension, anticoagulation for atrial fibrillation and acute coronary syndromes. Dr Zeymer has authored and co-authored over 450 scientific papers on cardiovascular disease in journals such as the New England Journal of Medicine, Lancet, JAMA, European Heart Journal, Circulation and Journal of the American College of Cardiology. Dr Zeymer has been the Chair of the Scientific Committee of the Acute Cardiovascular Care Association of the ESC, the Chair of the Working Group of Thrombosis of the German Cardiac Society and the Chair of the Working for Quality Insurance and Registries of the German Cardiac Society. He was President of the annual Autumn Meeting of the German Cardiac Society 2013. He is currently chairing the ongoing STEMI-Registry of the EORP of the ESC.

Department of Advanced Biomedical Sciences Federico II University of Naples Naples, Italy Dr Esposito is Full Professor of Cardiology and Cardiovascular Fellowship Program Director at Federico II University of Naples; he is also Director of the Division of Cardiology of the Federico II University of Naples and President-elect of the Italian Society of Invasive Cardiology (SICI-GISE). Prof. Esposito completed his training in cardiology and PhD program in Cardiovascular Physiopathology in Italy. Then, he attended post-doctoral fellowship at Duke University, Duke University Medical Center, Dept. Of Medicine and Cell Biology, Durham, NC, USA. In his earlier work, he practiced basic research in the field of cardiac remodeling and molecular mechanisms of atherosclerosis and myocardial infarction. Since the beginning of his education, the main focus of his clinical activity has been interventional cardiology: Prof. Esposito is an expert operator of coronary and structural heart interventions. He has been actively involved in the construction and organization of the local network for the treatment of acute myocardial infarction in Campania that allowed patients suffering from this condition to have direct access to primary percutaneous coronary intervention without delay. Prof. Esposito conducted as principal investigator a multitude of clinical trials and basic projects, building up a productive and dynamic research network. Areas of his main interests include percutaneous coronary intervention, antithrombotic therapy, measures for primary and secondary prevention, structural heart disease and heart failure. He has received several awards for his contribution and commitment in the field of cardiology from national and international institutions and is being an experienced and trusted mentor for young cardiologists. He is also member of the most important national and international cardiology societies and component of the editorial board of preeminent medical journals.

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CORONARY CONNECT is an initiative of COR2ED, supported by an Independent Educational Grant from Amgen.

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