Dr Alia Munir

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  • Sheffield Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
  • location United Kingdom

Alia Munir trained in Medicine at the University of Wales College of Medicine and began her basic clinical training in Cardiff and South Wales. She then began her specialist training in Guy’s and St Thomas’ London and later completed her higher medical training in Diabetes, Endocrinology and General Internal Medicine at Sheffield Teaching Hospitals (STH). She was awarded The Society for Endocrinology Clinical Trust Research Fellowship and obtained a PhD in Professor Newell-Prices’ laboratory, focussing on RNA interference as a Therapy for Cushing’s Disease, leading to a patent and orphan drug designation. She was also awarded the Yorkshire Enterprise Fellowship. She was chair of the Young Endocrinologists Scientific Steering Committee for the Society for Endocrinology during this time. She was appointed Consultant in Diabetes and Endocrinology in Pinderfields Hospital, Mid Yorkshire 2011-2015. She was also appointed Consultant Endocrinologist in STH and coordinated Sheffield’s successful European Neuroendocrine Tumour Society Centre of Excellence award in 2016. She has lead in a joint working partnership with Novartis and been part of the 4th Wave Education programme with Ipsen. Dr Munir’s main clinical interests are in neuroendocrinology and high risk diabetic pregnancy, and is responsible for general medical inpatients and participates in the medical take.

Dr Alia Munir has received financial support/sponsorship for research support, consultation, or speaker fees from the following companies:

Novartis and Ipsen. 

Programmes developed by Dr Alia Munir

Endocrinology Rare diseases Oncology 
NET CONNECT Scientific Projects presented at ENETS 2021

Dr Jorge Hernando, Dr Aman Chauhan, Dr Jaume Capdevila, Dr Panpan Zhang, Dr Angela Lamarca, Asst. Prof. Louis de Mestier, Dr Joakim Crona, Dr Teresa Alonso Gordoa, Dr Rachel van Leeuwaarde, Asst. Prof. Mauro Cives, Prof. Kjell Öberg, Prof. Marianne Pavel, Prof. Emily Bergsland, Dr Alia Munir, Dr Francesca Spada
  • download Downloadable
  • clock 5 MIN
  • calendar Mar 2021

Educational programme supported by an Independent Medical Education grant from Ipsen
COR2ED logo



of 2

Rare diseases Endocrinology Oncology 
NET CONNECT Update from ENETS 2020

Episode 2

Dr Alia Munir
  • download Downloadable
  • clock 5 MIN
  • calendar Mar 2020

Educational programme supported by an Independent Medical Education grant from Ipsen
NET CONNECT Scientific Projects presented at ENETS 2020 - NET CONNECT



of 3

Oncology Rare diseases Endocrinology 
Carcinoid Heart Disease in Patients with Advanced Midgut NETs – ENETS 2020

Episode 3: Poster #3

Dr Faidon Laskaratos, Dr Joakim Crona, Dr Kira Oleinikov, Dr Angela Lamarca, Dr Alia Munir, Dr Francesca Spada, Prof. Kjell Öberg, Dr Teresa Alonso Gordoa, Dr Wouter Zandee
  • download Downloadable
  • clock 5 MIN
  • calendar Mar 2020

Educational programme supported by an Independent Medical Education grant from Ipsen