Patty Cason

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  • UCLA School of Nursing
  • location United States

Patty Cason is a family nurse practitioner, trainer, and educator with a specialty in sexual and reproductive health. She has practiced for 40 years in a wide variety of clinical and academic settings and is an Assistant Clinical Professor and lecturer at the UCLA School of Nursing. Her goal is centering patients with a sex-positive, trauma-informed, anti-racist lens. Patty is a contracted consultant to training agencies, non-profits, and state departments of health across the United States.

Patty developed the PATH framework and the ASA Cycle for person-centered conversations and counseling. She wrote a seminal chapter on person-centered counseling for the 21st Edition of Contraceptive Technology and is the lead author for the 22nd Edition. Patty serves on the board of directors for the American Society for Colposcopy and Cervical Pathology, the National Medical Committee for Planned Parenthood, and several other advisory boards including the Clinical Training Center for Family Planning. She recently helped revise the CDC’s “A Guide to Taking a Sexual History”, in order to make the questions more inclusive.

Other publications include research and opinion pieces in peer reviewed journals, nationally utilized on-line learning courses, instructional videos, textbook chapters, clinical protocols, job aids, and manuals.

Patty Cason has received financial support/sponsorship for research support, consultation, or speaker fees from the following companies:

Programmes developed by Patty Cason

podcast Podcast



of 2

Obstetrics and Gynecology 
IUD Placement: How to Reduce Anxiety and Pain for Patients

Tips and tricks for healthcare professionals

Dr Carolyn Westhoff, Dr Michal Yaron, Patty Cason
  • download Downloadable
  • clock MIN
  • calendar Oct 2023

Educational programme supported by an Independent Educational Grant from ASPIVIX.
micro-learning Micro learning



of 2

Obstetrics and Gynecology Medical devices 
Pain Management in IUD Placement

This programme includes a short video, slides and a flashcard, to help HCPs involved in the placement of IUDs reduce anxiety and pain for patients, before, during, and after IUD placement

Dr Michal Yaron, Dr Carolyn Westhoff, Patty Cason
Endorsed by
  • download Downloadable
  • clock 4 MIN
  • calendar Feb 2023

Educational programme supported by an Independent Educational Grant from Aspivix