Prof. Mats Jerkeman

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Medical Oncologist

  • Lund University
  • location Sweden

Dr Mats Jerkeman, MD, completed his training in Clinical Oncology at Lund University, Sweden, where he is currently Professor in Clinical Oncology, and Head of Division of Oncology. His research focuses on the development of clinical trials in lymphoma, and in clinical epidemiology. He is Chairman of the Nordic Lymphoma Group, and Editor of the ESMO Guidelines of Lymphoma.

Prof. Mats Jerkeman has received financial support/sponsorship for research support, consultation, or speaker fees from the following companies:

Abbvie, AstraZeneca, Celgene, Gilead, Incyte, Janssen and Roche. 

Programmes developed by Prof. Mats Jerkeman

Follicular Lymphoma Review Paper Published in The Oncologist

A review paper ‘Follicular lymphoma: recent and emerging therapies, treatment strategies, and remaining unmet needs’ authored by LYMPHOMA CONNECT members

Prof. Alexey V Danilov, Assoc. Prof. Loretta Nastoupil, Dr Matthew J. Matasar, Prof. Daniel Perksy, Dr Massimo Magagnoli, Assoc. Prof. Stefan K Barta, Prof. Paul M Barr, Assoc. Prof. Tycel Phillips, Dr Jessica Okosun, Prof. Mats Jerkeman, Prof. Stefano Luminari, Dr Brian Hill
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  • clock MIN
  • calendar Sep 2021

Educational programme supported by an Independent Educational Grant from Bayer