NET CONNECT has summarised highlights from the recent ENETS 2019 meeting for you. Clinical impact of the WHO classification 2017 by Dr Elettra Merola, Santa Chiara Hospital (APSS), Italy
NET CONNECT has summarised highlights from the recent ENETS 2019 meeting for you. Clinical impact of the WHO classification 2017 by Dr Elettra Merola, Santa Chiara Hospital (APSS), Italy
Dr Elettra Merola is a gastroenterologist who is currently working at Santa Chiara Hospital in Trento (Italy). She received her medical degree in 2005 from Campus Bio Medico (Rome, Italy). She completed her residency in Gastroenterology in 2009, and her PhD in Digestive Oncology at Sapienza University (Rome, Italy) in 2013, where she worked until May 2017. She was awarded in March 2017 with the ENETS CoE Academy Fellowship Grant for a cooperative project developed at the FAU Erlangen University (Germany), where she worked with Prof. Pavel until April 2018. She has been visiting researcher in different institutes (Charité University, Germany; University of Illinois at Chicago, Temple University, Philadelphia, USA). She has led several cooperative studies aimed at improving clinical management of patients affected by neuroendocrine tumors, and has been a member of the Knowledge Network.
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