Prof. Christoph Male

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Paediatric Haematologist

  • Medical University of Vienna
  • location Austria

Christoph Male is consultant and associate professor at the Department of Paediatrics, Medical University of Vienna (MUW), Austria, where he heads the Paediatric Haemostasis & Thrombosis unit. He trained in General Medicine and Paediatrics, with sub-speciality degrees in Paediatric Cardiology and Paediatric Intensive Care. He was clinical and research fellow with the Paediatric Thrombophilia Programme at the Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, and McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, where he also earned a M.Sc. degree in Health Research Methodology (1998-2000). Dr Male’s scientific interest is in paediatric haemostasis & thrombosis, anticoagulation, clinical pharmacology, drug evaluation and clinical trials methodology in children. He has more 20 years of experience in clinical research and is actively involved in several academic or industry-sponsored clinical trials in children. Dr Male currently acts as co-chair of the Paediatric Scientific and Standardization Subcommittee of the International Society of Thrombosis & Haemostasis (ISTH), chair of the Scientific Board of the Austrian Haemophilia Society, and past board member of the German-Austrian-Swiss Society of Thrombosis and Haemostasis Research (GTH). He served as Austrian delegate in the Paediatric Committee (PDCO) at the European Medicines Agency from 2007-2016, is a member of the Scientific Board of the Austrian Medicines Agency and paediatric member of the ethics committee of the MUW

Prof. Christoph Male has received financial support/sponsorship for research support, consultation, or speaker fees from the following companies:

Programmes developed by Prof. Christoph Male

Review paper on prophylaxis in children with haemophilia Publication
Hemostasis and bleeding disorders 
Review paper on prophylaxis in children with haemophilia

Prof. Karin Fijnvandraat, Prof. Christoph Male, Dr Christoph Königs, Prof. Gili Kenet, Assoc. Prof. Jan Blatný, Dr Maria Elisa Mancuso, Prof. Kaan Kavakli
  • download Downloadable
  • clock 5 MIN
  • calendar Oct 2021

Educational programme supported by an Independent Educational grant from Takeda