Paz Fernández is the Nursing Research Coordinator at the Catalan Institute of Oncology in Barcelona and since 2010, Associated Professor at the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences at the University of Barcelona, where she earned her Doctorate in Nursing Sciences and a Bachelor in Clinical Psychology. From 1999 to 2005, Paz has been a member on the Executive Board of EONS (European Oncology Nursing Society), and until 2001, a Board member of SEEO (Spanish Oncology Nursing Society). Paz belongs to the Node of Cancer at Joanna Briggs Institute and to the EANS (European Academy of Nursing Science) scholars group. Her area of expertise is symptoms management in cancer patients, chemoterapy and oral anticancer drugs. In 2014 she received the EONS Lifetime Achievement Award for her 30 years in oncology and professional contribution to the field of oncology nursing.