GI CONNECT has summarised the highlights of the recent ASCO and WCGIC 2018 meetings for you.
GI CONNECT has summarised the highlights of the recent ASCO and WCGIC 2018 meetings for you.
Dr Chiara Cremolini is a Medical Oncologist at Santa Chiara University Hospital in Pisa, Italy. Chiara completed her M.D. Degree in 2008, and gained an M.Sc. in Clinical Trials in 2011, and the Specialty in Medical Oncology in 2014 at the University of Pisa. She is mainly committed to the clinical management of patients affected by gastrointestinal malignancies and is involved in clinical and translational research projects in the field of colorectal oncology. She actively contributes to clinical trials by the cooperative Gruppo Oncologico Nord Ovest (GONO) group and is interested in the identification of molecular predictors of benefit from systemic treatments. Chiara is co-author of about 60 peer-reviewed papers and received merit awards at the following meetings: American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) 2010, 2012−2015; European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO) 2011 and 2014; European CanCer Organisation (ECCO) 2013.
Medical experts discuss treatment strategies and sequencing after ET + CDK4/6i for ER+/HER2- metastatic breast cancer
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How will the latest Dato-DXd data impact treatment strategies for HR+/HER2− mBC?
Understanding the role of molecular subtypes in guiding treatment selection
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